­a£epekop ¢ce¯ c¦a¢ka¯ · GTASnP.com (2025)

Current version: 1.00 Original

Current version: v1

No detection available

(Taxi Glitch)
Glitch not detected

No detection available

Save disk is already in new, safe location

Glitch not detected

Glitch not detected

Glitch not detected

(Fix NPC glitches)
Glitch not detected

Stray blips not detected

Glitch not detected

Glitch not detected

Glitch not detected

Binary/EXE Version

When you save the game, an ID pertaining to the EXE (gta_sa.exe/gta-sa.exe) used is stored in the save.
v1 EXEs will load saves with any EXE ID, even a v2 ID.
v2 EXEs will only load saves with a v2 ID (including the Steam/RSG version).
German v2 EXEs will only load saves with a German v2 ID.
Austrian v2 EXEs will only load saves with a Austrian v2 ID.
Recommended: "Standard 2.0" unless you are using German 2.0 or Austrian 2.0.

Script/SCM Version

This option will allow you to convert the save file to a different script version.
v1 saves will only load when using v1 scripts, and v2 saves will only load when using v2 scripts.
Recommended: Use the script version you currently use. If you are unsure which version you have, you can upload one of your saves to this site to find out.

IPL Flags Version

Save files contain IPL flags that enable and disable map objects in the game.
The order of the IPL flags is determined by the models\gta3.img file being used when the game is saved.
This site cannot detect your IPL version for you.
Saves will work regardless of which version of gta3.img you use, however there may be glitches, such as road barriers to other cities still appearing after they should have been removed.
You can check which version of gta3.img you are using by checking it's file size or checksum. If your gta3.img doesn't match either of these, then your gta3.img is likely modded.

City Barriers

Story Barriers: City barriers will be enabled or disabled depending on mission completion.
Disabled Barriers: City barriers will be removed regardless of mission completion.

Recommended: Find out which version of gta3.img you have or leave unmodified.

v1 gta3.imgv2 gta3.img
Size940,064,768 bytes937,680,896 bytes

Fix Zone Glitches aka No Taxi Fares Glitch

Traveling outside of the bounds of the game's main map can cause zone information in the save file to become corrupt,leading to some glitches, such as taxi fares not appearing, map areas being labeled incorrectly, or the Mike Toreno mission not progressing properly.
The zone information is the same across all unmodded games.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.

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Fix Erratic Traffic Glitches

A glitch in the game can cause traffic to behave oddly as you spend more and more time playing (total time played across multiple sessions, such as 150+ hours).
Behavior includes traffic vehicles driving backwards, through each other, or in the air.
The glitch gets worse over time and can be fixed by resetting various timers and a few variables in the save file.
This site cannot detect the glitch for you.
Recommended: "Yes" if you are experiencing these glitches.

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Move Madd Dogg Mansion Save Disk

This save disk can cause basketball courts to be disabled because it is too close to a nearby court. The disk can be moved to one of the rooms in the hallway not far from it's original position. This places it far enough away to avoid the glitch.
Recommended: "Yes" if disk is in default location.

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Fix Disabled Basketball Court Glitch

This glitch occurs when you save near a basketball court and prevents you from using them. This most commonly happens when saving at Madd Dogg's mansion.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.

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Fix Missing Pool Player Glitch

This glitch occurs when you save near a pool table and prevents you from using them.
This should only occur in modded games, or possibly autosaves on versions of the game that have autosaves.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.

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Fix Parachute Creation Glitch

The exact cause of this glitch is unknown, however it causes some missions to either refuse to start or crash the game when starting.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.

Fix Gym Workout Glitch

This glitch is present if you are unable to use gym equipment and receive the message "You have worked out enough for today, come back tomorrow!" even after returning the next day.
Recommended: "Yes" if you experience glitch.

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Undo Peds Riot Cheat

Using the Peds Riot cheat (AJLOJYQY or ROUGHNEIGHBOURHOOD on PC), can cause some NPCs to behave incorrectly during some missions, such as Madd Dogg.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected.

More Info & Even More Info

Fix Unavailable Casino Minigames Glitch

This attempts to fix a glitch that causes casino minigames to become unavailable after suspending the game while a minigame is being played.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected and you are experiencing this glitch.

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Remove Stray Radar Blips

This will detect and remove stray radar blips from your save file.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected and you are experiencing this glitch.


This attempts to fix a complex glitch that causes the game to crash when the player approaches the San Fierro docks.
Recommended: "Yes" if detected and you are experiencing this crash.

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Custom Save Name

This option allows you to change the save name that appears in the game's save slot menus.
Save names can be up to 100 characters long. GXT color codes are allowed.
Be aware that non-standard characters can cause glitches in the save menus and may not display correctly.

Fix King in Exile Glitch

This fixes a glitch that occurs if the player dies during the phone call after the King in Exile cutscene. If this happens, the player will be softlocked because the King in Exile mission is complete, but the end of the phone call unlocks the next mission and updates the map markers. This fix will reset King in Exile, allowing the player to trigger it and the phone call again.

Reloading an earlier save is preferred if possible, as this fix is currently experimental and should be a last resort.

Recommended: "Yes" if detected.

Fix Ryder's Car Not Spawning

Ryder's car, a Brown Picador with "SHERM" on the front license plate, can spawn in the driveway of his house. However, some missions where he is involved will disable the spawner. Only two of these missions will re-enable it, but the others won't. Thus depending on what order the missions arecompleted in, the car may never spawn again. This fix will re-enable the spawner.

Recommended: "Yes" if detected.

Fix Import/Export Crash

This attempts to fix a crash that happens when loading a save that was saved too close to the Import/Export blackboard at the San Fiero docks.This only happens in modded games that allow saving in non-vanilla locations, however some mods might cause additional issues that make this fix ineffective.

Recommended: "Yes" if detected.

Definitive Edition Versions

There are two versions of the Definitive Edition games that have an effect on the save files.


1.0x is any version of the game before the November 12, 2024 update. 1.0x games cannot load 1.1x save files.


1.1x is any version of the game on or after the November 12, 2024 1.112 update. This update made major changes to the save files. 1.1x games can load 1.0x save files, but will save them as 1.1x save files.

­a£epekop ¢ce¯ c¦a¢ka¯ · GTASnP.com (2025)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

Last Updated:

Views: 6404

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.