Angels Landing Permits & Hiking - Zion National Park (U.S. National Park Service) (2025)

Angels Landing Permits & Hiking - Zion National Park (U.S. National Park Service) (1)


Angels Landing is one of the most popular destinations in Zion National Park. Many who go there want to experience untamed adventure and get a classic photograph. Its' now famous name descends from Methodist minister Frederick Vining Fisher who, on his first visit to Zion Canyon in 1916 allegedly quipped only an angel could land there.

The hike is strenuous, and your safety is your responsibility. We have some tips to help reduce the risks you take and ensure you have an enjoyable hike.

Angels Landing Pilot Permit Program

Everyone who hikes Angels Landing needs to have a permit. The pilot permit program reflects lessons learned when we metered the number of hikers on the trail in 2019 and 2021 and by distributing tickets to use the park shuttle system in response to COVID-19 in 2020.

Angels Landing Permits & Hiking - Zion National Park (U.S. National Park Service) (2)

Navigating near Angels Landing

Rangers may ask to see permits at any point along the trail at any time of day or night. The start time for your hike is at the Grotto. If you have a permit, do not forget to print or download your permit confirmation email before you start the hike. You may need to show this and identification to a ranger on the trail. If you need a larger version of this map, you can download it from the Angels Landing photo album.

This page has all the information you need to apply for a permit and plan your hike. If you have other questions about the scope of the program or how we researched it, read more about what you need to know.

Getting and managing your permit

Get, make limited changes to or cancel your permit.

Visit our keyboard shortcuts docs for details

2 minutes, 59 seconds

Learn how to apply for a permit on to hike at Angels Landing in Zion National Park.

Learn more about hiking at Angels Landing

Angels Landing Permits & Hiking - Zion National Park (U.S. National Park Service) (3)

After you get a permit

Prepare for your hike! Along this 5.4 mile round-trip hike, you will gain 1,488 feet in elevation.


ost hikers take around 4 hours to complete the hike, but some take longer. Check the seasonal shuttle schedule before you leave to make sure you do not miss the last shuttle. Print or download your permit and carry a flashlight or headlamp with new batteries, some food and lots of water just in case you end up out later than you planned. The trail is well marked, but bring a park map in case you get disoriented.

Always carry and drink plenty of water, dress in layers, know the forecast, and check conditions in the park to get ready for your hike.

Before your hike

Plan ahead and prepare to climb Angels Landing!

At the trailhead

Most hikers choose to start from Shuttle Stop 6, the Grotto. The time printed on your permit is when you need to be at the Grotto. Leave time to get to the Grotto before the start time printed on your permit.

A ranger may check your permit before you start on the trail.

On the trail

The hike along the West Rim Trail to Angels Landing is strenuous. Your safety on the trail is your responsibility, and we want to share some tips so that you reduce the risks and have anenjoyablehike.

Logistics and other information


Even if you plan well and bring the right equipment, you might still have problems. If you need help, try to call 911. If you have cell and/or data service, a call will connect you with the Zion Dispatch Office.

If you do not have cell and/or data service (most people cannot connect to a mobile network in Zion Canyon), find a park ranger or park volunteer on the trail or at a trailhead.

More Information

  • Learn more about why we issue permits to hike at Angels Landing and about Zion's Visitor Use Research and Planning.
  • If you have a Commercial Use Authorization to guide hikes in the park, please contact the Zion Commercial Services to discuss options. If you want to find a guide, consult our list of authorized guides. No matter when you plan to hike Angels Landing, you will need a permit

If you do not receive a permit

You can hike about 2.25 mi (3.62 km) from the Grotto (Shuttle Stop #6) to Scout Lookout on the West Rim Trail without a permit.

Hiking to Scout Lookout is strenuous and you will climb 1000 ft (305 m). Hikers at Scout Lookout get scenic views of Zion Canyon. The half mile route with chains to Angels Landing starts at Scout Lookout. You need a permit to go from Scout Lookout to Angels Landing.

There are many other trails in Zion Canyon. Learn more about hiking in Zion.

Photo Gallery

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Angels Landing Permits & Hiking - Zion National Park (U.S. National Park Service) (4)

Posters, rack cards, and table tents

An album with materials you can print to share QR codes, tips, and updates with people planning trips to Zion

Learn about the Free Zion Canyon Shuttle Service.


Maps, shuttle schedules, hiking, and camping information. Check here for materials translated into languages other than English.

Angels Landing Permits & Hiking - Zion National Park (U.S. National Park Service) (2025)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.