El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

THE EL PASO TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 20, 1925. nnni ar-sr-str iininn! iGERiN SECURITY BRYAN-WINS APPLAUSE BY SAYING Army Planes Will EX-P1HNCE SEEKS ciiai Trains job Keep Formation NOTE SErVT PARIS in Night Flying COTTON MS 2MEOT MARK Continued Drouth in Texas Is Given as Reason for Increase. lUULIIM HtAlfo, PREACHER KNOCK; EVOLUTION CASE i TE1E8SEMS ARE NOT "BIGOTS" Sequatchie Valley Citizens Hear Fundamentalist Chief Express Indignation on Charges of Intolerance. SEI.tnmGB HEI.D. MICH, July (AP).

Thej first at. tempt In fir army plane In formation at night wilt begin at daybreak- tomorrow ex hen filers Cowgirl Saves Rodeo Entrant From Mad Bull RTK. Jf. July 19 P)A cowgirl saved life of Sy Kngc, cowboy of Oklahoma City, by lassoing steer that bad thrown lilm and threatened to gore blm last night before rodeo crowd lie re. gage's right leg waa broken and lie Buffered poa-glble internal Injuries.

The cowgirl waa Mm. Richard Kheltnn, alivo of Oklalromn. Be. fore Iter marriage last week to one of the riders in the rodeo she waa MIhs Kene Haaley. Reply Will Reach France Today and Be Published Wednesday.

of tbe first army pnrwuit group atauonM nere iMsjrln winging their way to the Pa'1lo coat Tha fllz-bt to tha roasvg will lie ma le during- the daylight hoars. N'Etv ORLEANS. July II. Tha Minister Point Out Cue as Proof of "Division Among Christians." PIKEYILLE, July 19 (AP). A brief but vigorous defense of the Tennessee anti-evolution law and of the bat returning, lit airmen, miller BERUN, July II AP).

Summer poll ties, ta represented by Germany's reply te Erland, the Frencit foreign minister. In connection with the proposed security pact, finds popuiar Interest jaded snd curiosity of the mem culture of Tennesgeans marked the appearance here today of William Jennings liryan. Speaking to several hundred Sequatchie valley citizens in an open air meeting 20 miles SWAMPSCOTT, MASS II A The Scopes evolution trial was described before President Coclldea at church to from toe scens or the scopes trim, CARDINAL BEGIN Ha concluded by compering a stag command of Major Thomas G. I.anphlrr. will Bisk a the hop from Cheyenne, Wyoming, (o Chicago during the nircht.

Omahai Is the oh entire of Monday's flight, with atop at Chlcneo anl Iowa City. Tuesday the fliers plan to make Cheyenne, wl'h drop at North Plane, Neb. Kan Frnnrltro will be reached. If the plans are fol limed. the third day.

At Omaha the error filer will bers of the rslchstsg obscured by yearn-In ar for a summer vacation. The Luther government's reply to M. Crundi questionnaire will reach the French government Monday, and while its contents will be familiar In most of nant pool, which ha aald repreeented evolution. "The center of disease and OF CANADA DIES fundamentalist chief bsgan hit sddreaa by expressing Indignation "toward thoee who have maligned you those who have coma from another state to apeak of you aa bigots." v. VK cotton market advanced early la the past week and made new highs for the preeent movement Tuesday, when tha October position reached or II points above t'e close pf the preceding Saturday and Kl pclnta above tha low folnts after tha publication of the gov.

ernment report July t. The advance waa due almost entirely to the continued drouth In) the west particularly In Texas, which Induced many operators to believe that the next gov. ernment report, July and based on conditions existing July IsJ. would show a deterioration in ths average and In soma falling off In the Indicated crop. Aa the price approaches! the 24-cent level some liquidation dervelcped, possibly on ihe theory that the advance death," with a flowing spring, "giving forth all tha time that which rcfrsshss (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE.) the ehancelloriea cf Europe the aame, day aa the "pitiful drama exemplifying Ihs division among Christians." "It Is very poor grace," aald Iter.

Charles H. Beala, who delivered the ear-mon at the Tabernacle Congregational church In Halsm, "that wa church people criticise atateamen for not getting together when wa ourselvss cannot act la unison. Tha pa it or a pointed declaration en the evolution trial waa brief, and, while he did not declira himself before the official publication of the document will Ha expresssd lha aama feeling toward "eorne ot tha newspaper meg who have be deferred until Wednesday. Thers is a currant Impression Ger study the air mall field, where the landing? la to he made to fa man political circles that the reply will miliarise themselves with the leave ths whale range of St la connected with the peace pact In the and Invtgorstcs. Chrlat can make every human being a living epting thro-igh which tha good-nm of Ood None out to the world.

The tegnant pool represents tha Ufa of those who believe they have coma up from the brute." Mr. Bryan waa cheered enlhuslestl-cally by the audience aa tie epoke In the cool, natural amphitheater. terrain an that on the return night they will know what conditions are to ba met realm of didactic debate, chiefly because of tha legal entanglemema projected president as a modernist, ha gave every substantiation te hla statsmeut that he Into tha dlrcusslons by JL Briand'a ra wsa a "progressive preacher." Mr. Besls church and made a practice of visiting annually every pariah in the archdiocese, one of the largest territorially In America. Beginning his parish, visits rsrly In the spring, it waa necessary for htm to travel almost continually until the end of September to cover all the territory.

He did moat of his traveling by automobile or carr.age, using trains and boats only when absolutely secea-sary. From the death of Cardinal Tascher-eau In 1191, tha first Cansdian prelate to be elevated to the College ef Cardinals, hla successor aa archbishop of Quebeo had been mentioned aeveral times aa a possible candidate for the red hat, but it was not until J91I that whlcn had taken place discounted any prsaohed for many years at Milwaukee, Anybody want a prince of epoken of you aa yokels. riot Against rhrlatlaettr. "I wish that I eould hava dragged them here anil placed them face to face with humanity they cannot Imitate," be declared. The world la discussing tha copes eaae," ha aald.

"It haa gone far enough now for us to uncover a gigantic eon-Piracy among tha atheists and agnos-tlca against Ute Chrtatlaa religion. "The Christian religion la a revealed religion. It la the Bible they are attacking, but they hava not the honesty to make their attack openly, directing their attempta toward what they saw and now la retired, serving during tha vacation pericd at tha summer a cliauneur7 r-nnee liasiie LISBON REBELS deterioration la tha crop that may hava taken place. A mora decided check to bullish enthusiasm developed Thursday when the government "pars," to be used in de Swiatopolk-Mirski, direct de church of the president. Otherwise it waa a quiet day for the scendant of the family that ruled Russia from 160 to iiARRovr Anna, rear At iiir.re or i.eoe, CHATTANOQCIA, July 1 (AP).

Warmna of the greeting of the defender of wa the feature of the lectura delivered at a local theater here tli la afternoon by Clarence fiarrow, Chicago lawyer, who had aa executive. After chunk, he aed lira Coolldge spent the lima at their sum ARE SUPPRESSED termining the indicated yleM In the com- lrg report when applied to tjie condition found to hava existed July II and the 16(0, is in New York, penniless, and looking for a job driving a car for a socially-elect family willing to accept the honor waa conferred upon Cardinal Eegln by Pops Plua Voted aa Pleelpllaaedaa. hit subject Tolalnl, Jtusslan rov. ellut and Prophet," which waa heard Government Quells Out ce nt reply to Germany. To this eilei.t It is asserted In German pacifist circles that Germany holds a atrong moral and strategical position In that her memorandum of February I with regard to security agreements was an outspoken peace movement.

In that It waa stripped of all possibilities for Juried lctlonsl questioning and confined to proposing a security pact In which Germany was lo participate on terme of actuality, These terms. It la a'ated. offered ne opportunities for the legal equivocations, which It Is ehargsd are bow being promoted by tbe French counter reply. BARGE BLAST CAUSES PANIC IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, July II (AP) A terrlfle explosion ot gas and oil on board a While an able administrator ef his mer home on tha Atlantic coast. Tomorrow the president opens a week ha eimeets to deveta to tha considers tlon ef Important government problems.

Senator Curtis of Kansas, the Republican leader, eomea to the summer Whits House In the morning for a conference with him whlen la expected to continue for aavera daya. In addition to a general discussion of the legislative program for next aaaalon Mr. Coolldga la expected to take up with would be a reconciliation of evolution with the Bible. "The brute etandarda they advocate would rob man of Ma high stsndarda and drag him down to the brute baaia. That la what they wlsn to teach your him as a social equal archdiocese.

Cardinal Begin attracted break Quickly and Arrests Leaders. more attention by hla atrictnesa as an eecleslestlcel disciplinarian and rigidly enforced the regulatlonh of the Catholu children. It would tike from them that belief in the personality you hava when church. Likewise, in hla later years, ha by i.OtiO people, Mr. Derrow waa Introduced by At.

tirney Krank Cardan, who took occe. lon 'o aay Tenneaaea waa afflicted with too much polit.ee and that the present predominant system la an out break of unnecessary law. He aald that tha "dleraee had afflicted tha legislature until they are de. void of courage, and haa only recently driven our governor to tha eanltarium at Pattla Creek." In apologising for hla "rusttnese" en intimated acreage. These para were thought to have been rather unduly Increased and shook faith In a prob.

able cutting down of the Indicated yield. This fear waa somewhat allayed when local atatlstlclans figured the average par for the-entire belt showed little it any more than a seasonal increase. Friday liquidation Increased, owing to a desire on the -part of longs to reduce committments In advance of the bureau and October dropped to 2I.7 Tueaday. While there waa a moderate recovery from this, the market at the eloae en Saturday continued to show nervousness over the Impending gov. ernment report always aa uncertain factor.

LISBON, PORTC0AU July 11 (AP). was a sturdy and active antagonist cf the aenste leader a study of tha las and Another military revolt broke eut in Lisbon early today, but waa quickly agricultural problems. Mr. Curtia la a member of tha finance committee, which suppressed and the leadera were ar social modernism and a vigorous nent of modern dancing and Jars. His stand against these waa officially endorsed In Rome by an article in Osserva.

tore Romano, the organ of tha Vatican. Cardinal Begin, the eon of Charl.a Begin, a farmer, and Luce Paradle rested. Unlike ths revolt In April, Ihs movement we a checked without ths firing of a ahet Minister Says Misguided Men dutM, on opening bia address, Mr, Par. targe of ths Texns company, anchored In the north branch cf the Chicago river, you deny Ood. "e.ortst ef FHIeet." "Are you willing; to allow your children whom you hava brought rip to pray, tauiht In the echools which you support with your money that tha one thing In Ufa la get whet they can.

The doctrine of tha evolullonlste a bloody one. It leaches lha aurvlval of the fittest. All the testimony of all the evolutlonlata whoever lived la outweighed hy tha conanlatloa of the twenty-third psalm." In (he April revolt many were killed at r.oon toda caused damage estimated will handle the next tag reduction bill when It eomea to the senats, and also Is well acquainted with tha farm situation In tha middle west. In which the president la closely Interested. operWadmits Are Fighting for "False Limits." and still mora ef tha mutineers wars wounded.

Today ths government author, idea aid royal fntces took auch quick actlen that tha affair laated only a few at and Incited a near-panic among rssldenta of the congested dis row aald that recently ha had been thinking mora en fundamental! and that "one does not need to he a fundamentalist to think." Mr. fiarrow took occasion to rap WII. Ham Jenninga Bryaa at Intervale throughout hla addrssa. trict Doraenng tne river. Begin, was born January in, lllii, st eiaroata.

In the parish of Levis, across the river from Quebea Hla preliminary education was received at the Levis Model school, the College of St Michael Belleehasse, the Little Seminary of Quv bes and Laval university, Montreal. He waa graduated with honors front the Lightning Starts The barge and tug alongside It were hours. By 14 o'clock In the morning Without Walla, waa tha destroyed, several naarby factory build "A City subject of a sermon preached by Dr. frtra were damaged and flaming gaso Fire in Oil Tank MUSKOGEE, July It (API- line turned ths river into an Inferno that Frank Hampton Fog, pastor ef lha SCOTT STORY HOAX last named Institution, winning the threatened to consume docks and bridges Prince of Wales medal. He studied the- First Congregtlonsl church.

In the Scottish Kite temple Iiurt night. The and spreed even greater destruction ef wide area. ology st the Grand seminary, Quebec, and later attended the lecturee of the A number ef homes and small stores Captain Be pt lata, leader of tha uprising, and four ether officers had alrsady surrendered. The cruiser Vstce da Oama supported tha revolt, which was effected principally by unite commanded by ths officers arrested aftsr ths revolt of April It and whj recently escaped from ths Ssn Juntas prison. SPLAWN WILL TESTIFY FOR were slightly damaged by the blast and minister took hla text from Zechar-lah "Jerusa Australian Maoris Trace Ancestry to Ancient Hawaiian HONOLULU.

July II (AD Many of th Maorle rf Aurtralla eonaldar that their race bed Ita origin In Hawaii cen-turlea aao, It haa been revealed br Re- flying del rla. Jacob Jaberasck, a watch man aboard the barge, waa at first rs- Telegrapher Said He Con cocted "Fake for Sake of Humanity." Fire started by lightning ywsterdsy de. stroyed ,000 barrela crude oil, tank end Ita contents, the property of the Pure Oil company here Nine men, six Muskogee jmployes and three roofing concern employee from Tulsa, narrowly escaped death by climbing from the tank which they had been repairing Juet two minutes before the lightning atruck. The lank, valued at and th 14.000 barrels of crude oil, valued at 131.300, were completely destroyed. lem shall lie open, Jesuits at tha Gregorian university, Roma, where he waa ordained In 1861 and received the degree of doctor of divinity.

Wrote ellgdaaa Books. After bla ordination the young priest remained two yeara la Roma to take a or ted killed, but later waa found un Ilka vlllagsa an- hurt and said that ha had not been at hla post when the blast came. walled. For I. aallb Qod, will be It Is tllsved thst oil spilled en ths DETROIT.

July II (AP). Jemse Ball, a telegraph aperater, who on Fri PLAINS ROAD TLATNVIEW, July II (AP). dock becems Ignited by a fire built by toys en ths river bank and spreed ts the bergs. day said that ha had witnessed tha Liberal Church Asks Darrow to Become Member CITATTANOOfJA, TKJtW, July Id (AP). Clarence) parrnw, f'hlragn lawyer and rtffond-rt of John T.

Urn pea at Dayton, declared herei tMlnr that he waa not considering- the Invitation of Ilia Mlwrnl rlitirrli, Denver Io heroine a mrmlwr. "Tlile la lha flret time I have heard of the prooltli)ii," ha staled, "and hgva not hnd time to consider tt "no way or the Darrow anld he la Intereeeeal In the plillfteophy of arienttflo fle tormlnlem ih-flned aa "Ilia doc. irlne that the will la free, lieliiaT ileierniliioil hr hrrerllty and en special course In eooleslsatlcal history and Oriental languagsa, and then went to Innsbruck for further etudy under the Jesuits. Later, he vlalted ths Holy Land to obtain first hsnd knowledge of unto her a wall of fire alt around. He aald In part: "Since tha arm-latlca waa signed ahoetlng of Joaeph surer, a Chicago drug eierk, and claimed that Russell hoott did not commit lha murder ef aCW a 1 lha natlona hava the sacred palaces and ta study Holy Script I Maurer, for which Heott aow facea the Una Jnkoba, a prominent Maori.

Ho la' here with a group of Mormon church I workera from Auntralla to vlilt tha fa- Mormon t-mpla at I.ale, Oahit. Jnkfil.a raid that ha had traced hla ancenry back to a chieftain named llema, who ruUd tha laland of II all. After a dtvaatatlna war In whlrh Hemai waa dffentfd badly and forred to ee from the Inland for hla life, ha and few cnmpanlnna act eail for the aottth In hUKO wer cmuea. Maori legrnda have It tbnt they landed In New Zealand and lived there for aeveral years. tater I been busy rebuild Dr.

Walter Bp'awn, presld-nt of Texas university, arriving here today to attend meetings of ths Joint Interstate commerce commission snd Texae railroad commleaioa hearing, starting hers tomorrow before E. Boles, tntsritste commerce commissioner examiner, ssid lis would testify for the South Plains in gallowa In Chicago, tonight aald he JAIL BREAKER IS RECAPTURED AFTER CHASE TEyARKANA, TBXA9. July II Returning ta Canada In HT, Father i fsked the story "for tha sake of Begin taught theology at Laval univer log tha devastated dlstrlots. Rebuild- on. r.

n. rax. l-iiire i-bete." tha moral and Scott'a predicament peered oa Ball's mind. Tha operator aald "I wanted to asking for railroad extensions. When Arksnsaa police late today saw av man wha fo-ir montha ago broke Jail do something for him.

an I first decldsd The adoption of rules of procedure Is spiritual wastes caused by war la tha big task of tha church. Tha prophet warna tha man with theodolite and chain agafnat attempting to rebuild tha eld walls that had prnvea Inade to eoncoct a telegram purporting to be here while being bald for Investigation expected to Use up a great part of to-i lwt returned to Hawaii, hra the from hla brother. But I (liousht It eiit morrow eeaalon of the hearing. Ex sity several years, and later became prefect of studlea at tha Little aemlnary, Quebec, director of the Grand aemlnary and then principal of tha Laval Normal achooL He waa serving In the last named position when. In Hat, he was: named bishop ef Chlroutlml.

Cardinal Begin was tall and very erect and hta simplicity of manner waa one of hla outstanding characteristics. He always manifested a deep Interest 'n-tha working classea and frequently, In connection with a burglary, they placed Mm and hla companion under ri sldenta worehlped Io aa their auprrme a little further my mind doesn go vironment." smlner Poles raid hs wmld make rules very far as a rule and at last struck to fscilitate the testimony of all con testants after a conference with Ihs More Wonderfnl raw milk than onrs there is none. Glnsa Be. pint 10c, quart 15c. Milk la the best and cheapest food there Is.

hy not try an Ice cold glass? GILLETT'S Dairy Luncb 108 Texas SIS San Antonio Street quate ss defense and had reatrlcted eipanslon. Oed's Warning, "Ood warna those wha are heirs ef lha storied paat and stewards of the Tetes railroad eomrclsslonara. Delegations from nearly every town arrest aftsr a llvsly chase, finding on the twe men a considerable ouantlty of Tslushls new Jewelry which atlll bore stock and price tegs. "Within two hours aftsr their arrest one of ths men had escsped from Jail and ths ether was discovered rawing FORECAST JURY LOCK ON SCOPES Ihs Idea of representing myself aa a witness. "It wasn't unlit after had told tha papers annul tt thst I found I waa not accomplishing anything, so I am now admitting the whole story a fake.

There In tha south p'slns srs expected hare (s plead for better rsllrnad service In their great future for posterity aralnst acted aa arbitrator In disputes between capital and labor. In these eontrovcr-1 sir he Invariably succeeded In trying to rebuild ihe old walla of tx waa nothing dishonorable In It, anyway. section of the stata Three of tha larger roads Involved In Ihe hearing are ths Burlington railroad, represented by the elusion. Good but misguided men today bara In another cell. The man who ochic.

i ney naa a lareje tempia in ine I'utia dlatr.it of Xawall, but later turned to the wnrehlp rf other goda Hema returned to New Zealand and many people ai-cnti panied liltn. lie aten took tha Imere cf In. rule, tha Hawaiian goddesa (if fire, tecama dltpleaeed with lha Hawaiian, who were worshiping many Idola, and vented her anger by covering their lande and temple with lava, tha legrndg aev. Vhla would ariount for the ancient lava front Mauna Kea and Motina Jukoha ssid tha Maori had established tha names of the canoea In whlrh their enreeiore went from Hawaii to New Zealand. fWNTINt'Kn FliriM PAnw.

fiVK.) today ready to make their epeechea In summing up after ependlng houra In the preparation ef tatamenls of aclen- are fighting to retain tha falsa limits ing settlements satisfactory to both sldra He was a Fellow ef the Royal eecaptd gave the name of Roy Smith, of Intel lertiial and spiritual growth when arrested. The other Is Clyde society of Canada and author of a num Forth Worth Denver, which propoies a line from Carey, Chlldreea county, to Dlmmltt, and another Una from Silver- ereoteii by tha past. llats to be Introduced In tha record to ber of rellgloua works. "rcxeept tha Lord build tha house "Mttla, who figured In the escspe four months ago. While not yet positively Identified, (he Jewelry Is believed to they labor In vsln thst build Itt swept the lrd keep lha city, tha watchman have eoms from a Dodd Ridge, atore, burglarised a few nlghte ago.

siwin but In vain I wanted to do something for him and his children." Rail aald ha and Leslie Smalt, son of Governor Smell, had been good frlsnds since boyhood daya In the govarnor's home town of Kenkakee, III, "They are probably laughing right now and calling ma a fool. I didn't have enough sense to analyse It all until It waa too late and mr wife and mother pointed out tha fallacies In my statement." Reds Lie on Rails TOTELXPHONE A WANT CALL MAIN 5050. "i'nless wa build batter In lha future ton lo Lubbock; (he Uonta Fa, represented by the Pecos A Northern Texas, which proposes lines from Llder lo SIN verton and from Plalnvlew to Dlmmltt and the- Frisco, represented by ths Wuannah, Acme A Pacific, which wants to build a line from MacBaln, llotley county, to Floydada, a distance ef 10 miles. our effort, will fata no batter Ihnn the show what the eitperta would hava testified bad they been permitted to occupy the wltnesa stsnd. The teak of reducing the etatemenle ef srlentlsia lo writing was not completed tonlcht and alenographera were atlll working overtime In an effort to have them ready for tha reonrd at the opening of court tomorrow afternoon.

Clarence farrow, tha "grandfather" of defense counsel, aa be deaorlbedi Prominent Woman fnllurea of the past. "Wa need to Junk lha ereaklng ma Writer It Dead rhlnerr of propaganda. Hahlta and Pawn Shop Clientele Is Changed Since War I re I ml ice like the dark plague In KOfSTOS, TEXAS, July II (AP1E- rested courts of Oriental hoiiess. Shut nit the llKht of heaven. BrlllKh health t'lcn UN, July II (ATI.

A to Obstruct Traffic Three Iowa Youths Mr a. Mary Elisabeth Bryan, one of tbe beat known womsn Journalists and workers In women's organisations In nffleere break down thoas thick Oriental himself In court, ent to Chattanoora lo deliver an addrasa at the theater thl VIENNA, July II (AP). A new i Texas, died at a local hospital here walla and (urn the ennsMne In In (till tha plague germs. Mr. Bran and Ihe method of envnstrsting hse been lilt curly iunday morning.

Her earns Win Dairy Contest AMKS. IOWA. July II Iowa boys, Raymond Monahsn, Lester Olson and Harlan Ionard, today are afternoon. Ha waa accompanied by all his aeaoolatea except Arthur (larfleid Hays, wha remslned In rsyiorj lo aperd upon by the communists of Vienna. Effectually to atop all (raffle of a toik he can Influence are trying to rebuild the medieval walls of creed and a a tbe result ef a fall last May.

She had bees confined to her btd since that i ringmatia definition which have kept lha nsVt'rg of etatrmente. time. manr good peopi out ef (he church Mrs. Bryan wss horn In Bowling street, several hundred unemployed communists and war Invalids lay down the rails of lha street ears In ths rlty'a principal street. It took the police more than an hour to clear tha champion Junior dairy Judges of the world aa a result of their victory In sn International contest held in connection In lha paat.

Man-Made Creeds. change aln'a tha "World war haa heen among tha clasa pf propi wiio rntrruilre pawn ehnpe. Iltatlsllra of a'tte atid municipal pawn offlc-a show tlmt amona the prerent clientele thera are only II per cent of artlsana compared to more than It per pent Iri pre-tsr days. Tha number of emeller ctfl-cinla borrowing monev on their belong-Inea bsa Inrrraaed from per cent to J1 per cent. Tjiet ytr the pawn efflrei'nf Trtiaala received Kecnn mlecetlaneoua nb'ecta In for money losns.

In addition to the two official pswn shops run by the emta snd the mumrlpsMty thera are other lon officee In Derlln. Oreen, Tenn In 1M. She had been living In Houston for 40 yesrs and gave "Neither Jrsua Christ nor Ihs Apostle that part of her life to charitable, social with Ihe English Hoysl ahnw, London, yesterday. The victory was snnounred In tracks an that (raffle could be resumed. Sell Berlin Houses to Save Paying Tax BF.rtl.lN.

July II (API. Foreign apenilatora In Berlin apartment houees recently have been selling their real es- and rlvle works. Whenever Is er II ef tha weary com raul could suhacril.s to aoma ef Ihs man-made creeds of Christendom. Jesus Funeral services wilt be held Monday. cablegrsm from Earl Weaver, bead Of mnntete bad been Induced to get up mid.

'Ha that la not against us Is for nnd seek (heir repoas elsewhere, th ts' lie would hava In Hla rhureh all same number would stretch eut on ths Heat Wave Strikes tale at auction. During lha Inflation the dairy husbandry department of Iowa Ktats college, whe accompanied ths teem abmed. The tesm won the American Judging title last year. British Steamer rslla farther en. The entire perform ance was a source of unalloyed pleae-ure for the humorously Inclined Vien North Texas Towns period many tenement and apartment WICHITA FALLS.

TEXAS, July II. who are not actively arrayed against 11 im. "ear builds walls faith Isvsls thsni. There came a day when Imperial Roma hist her nerve. Rite wsa afraid of tha herharlane that hung en tha frlnss of tha empire.

Then aha built (he nese. hmieet In Berlin were bought by for-irners for Ihs eiulvalent of from lion JUST ONE DOLLAR DOM All This Week Many hoi days are slill to come. 1 Why be without cn Electric Fan? This is a real op-poriunity lo get one. Any style, any size. All heat records for In Wichita Newlyn Chemical Co.

Is Incorporated In llin. Aa tha purchases were usually A a i'alla wrs shattered today when the Chesterton Decries aa nine ui utu purely Ihe bulldltiga were rmometer climbed lo 111 degrees at QTTENSTOWV, July )l (API 3 o'clock. The hleliest mark previously not kept In repair and lha municipal government has aelted rents la keep the The Newlyn Chemical company, wtil-h baa for the past flva years enr eared In Wireless repent from the Prltlih Modern Legislation CX FORD, r.SO, July II AP). In recorded this summer was 101, reached laiat Tuesday. Sunday's figure also tied buildings In condition.

slesmer Bcythlsn stste that the stesmer Is proceeding lo Qtteenetown with her roanufarturlng rhornl'el and toilet ere ctal'lea In Rl ra', haa leen IncerW'r the high record for 1124 when a tern a recent debate nnd discussion tha Ox forced reles becems imlfa enmmon Willi conecjuent court anions. Many great walls acmes Western Kurope. a tombstone over lha grave of her dead power. "He tie. not battlements, la the strength and security of Ilia churn.

Men are afraid when liny call on (he leuislmive bodies lo enact laws for Ihs protscllon of rreed end dogma. They rsrgo sflre between decks. She Is due a'ed ttr.drr the lava of Callmmla ne the roratiirs ef ill degress was reaohsd on ford t'nlon arreed by a larre malorlly (hat "contemporary legislation (ends to of the nronrletora hava Preferred lo sell here Tuesday evening. rVewlyn hetnlral Co, Ine, and wilt as July Ihe properties for what they would destroy liberty." tanliKh Its naln offlra and laboratory on Funset boulevard. In lha Hollywood The arrived at tvndnn.

Reports reschlng here from other aee-tlons ef North Texss Indicated that (he vera heat prevailed generally In this (I. K. Cheslertnn, the principal d'alrwt of 1ia Anretea, with branches confeaa defeat when Ihey resort to tha sneaker In the debate, declnred the! June I. from Newport News snd proceeded to Antwerp, arriving thers June curia for (lis protsctlon of (heir pe-i le a aide distinction between ib- section. ii.

no other shipping reports of Ihs rulier dogmas. Ths city of Ood must erty and the security whlrh Is Ihe a bring rather than apend money for re-pelts. Queensland Desires Select Immigration BrtlHBANr, July II (An. The berd stsamer are avallahia. be without wslls.

Tbe church of Jesus In Kl Paso and I'enver, It waa announced here Ket night The Incorporators and pflrera are: Pr. Thoniaa 1. Newljn, Kl I'eao. preal dnt Wilson Newlyn. Kl Teen.

ti-e prealdenl Joeph 3. Ia An- Negro Overpowers hrist needs 'No Nlraas Una nor West of most modern legialstlon. "While It la true," lie aald. "thai property normally gives security, It minister Irrnch In defend her. Here Is Korean Flood Rescue a gd ettnin: Sheriff and Flees F.L POKAPO.

Ar.K., July II (API. does not follow that eeenrity brlnge felea, treaavrer: Artnur v. H'aplee, I.o, 'Affirmation Is usually right; nega Work Is Progressing property. If Ihe chief end ef man Is to be fed snd housed, (hen we should return (o slavery, a simple tried m.esure which Insured economic security to the msssrs." for Ihs selection ef Imiiilgranla. deportation of convicted aliens and lha keeping of a record ef all aliens In lha renv menu a Ith la itreseed In a report ry Ten minutes after he had been acquitted ot ths murder of Laura Long, a negro woman, "Kid Roark, held by the Calhoun county aherlff en a message from I.evavenworth, overpowered (he tion la generally wrong.

I'afalr Methods Deemed. "Fvery Individual who seeks to win his way by unfair methoda Is doomed (o ultimate defeat. He seke to deny-to others Ihs advantages be lakes. Ths A cool, refreshing breeze makes life more pleasant Jur-ing the hot spells. An electric fan-will solve the problem for you.

Just One Dollar Down. Balance in easy pay ments with your electric service b31. If you can't c31. phone Main 3460 for representative. secretary, and Curtia rartill.

I Angelee, manager. Van f-ee Kood of Una Anrfles la tha attorney for the hew concern. 'I ha rompan, whtc aipects to negln cperatlona this week, la capital aed at laon.nrio. lt. Thopas Newly baa Jnet ra-turted la Peso from a three weeks' visit to Angelas.

TOKIO, July SO (AD. An efflc'al d'spatnh rroelved lodev from (he Korean government describing the flood In HenuL the rapttsl, snd vicinity, said: "Waters receding; rescue work progressing; casualties undetermined, but not believed lo be eilepelve." It also said communications were being restored rapidly. T. A. Ferry, under-chief secretary and commissioner of prices, who wsa fa hortff In (he court room at Hampton leer nl(ht, took his gun sway from him and escnped In en automobile.

Deputies Railroad Builder Dies in Nebraska mily appointed brad of a roial torn- mlealon to inrpiire Into tha eocial and were summoned and Calhoun oitisrni nation (ha( seeks by unholy alllsnces deprive leas fnrttinste countries of their rights la doomed. Tha tuiameea firm that Is unfair (o (is competitors must Ulti formed a and gave chase. ecenem effect the Increase In number of aliens In North Queensland. FA TP. I a.

NfcB. July II (AP) n. P. Ktlpatrlek, ts, millionaire end Vr. F'rt auggeats a stricter medl- mately rean what It his sown.

Firms Inst slander a eom.vetllnr in order (o n-ember ef (he pioneer reilroad that eon. srw It sr ee "-I firm ef Kilnairiek Prnthera. ra. Japs to Study Rice Growing in America etest his burtnees Is trusting In a well atruetsit eecllniia or tlie I'tiinM yfrs. Uo not Iase Your 1 emner re- II Central Pacific and Oregon Short i.tne TKI.

July It (AP) The riepert roads, died here last night after pro- fr.ent of agriculture ta planning to send of Ilea rather than In lha merits ef his rr-ducn "you ak, 'ta (hers lbn re protection for (be rhureh? Tea. Ood esys, 'I will be unto her a wall of flra all This (a the Divine protection guar an expert lo tha t'niled htntea to study Pulling Clinkers. USE SWASTIKA- Save oney and Smile fh and report on Ilia agricultural alius- rsl siamtnatlrn and asprasees Ihs view that lha elatem-e ef foreign clubs it undeairable. Th present alien influi is largely from Nlelly and nortlirrn Italy, tha emigrante going Into the sugsr Industry. a ttr: tir ri.

Allhuieh hey reply In his question SS Ne!" i spirits showed no sign cf falling, for hy should hey answsr depress him wtien bed Iniulred If she minded him railing? tl'n, esiieelally witn regsrd lo tha nil lonrad iimese. A few years sgo. before their retire, menl from business, the effslrs cf ths brothers were es'd represent one of (he largest aggregations of rapltal and employe personnel weet cf Ihe Missouri river. i tlvatlon of Japancee rtca en A me can anteed to every Individual. Institution end nation (hat Is trying lo plsy lha farms.

A Clothes Basket ree We hnve a limited number of Clothe Bankets. For This Week -We vvill Rive one of these brisket i with each Irpn purchased a Jon. as they last. lG Of GOOD (Oil OHM II I l'l: game of life lair. lle Grande 1 unitarr A Fuel o.

I'liotiec Mnlrt I will be unto her a wait of fire lha output ef Japanese grain In America la ssid to have been on the Increeee tip to 1131, when hoi Alameda i'nrl hone Main d-S all around' th.s Is a vivid picture of a rsravan when ramped at ntehl In Calles Cuts Mexican II. I'altn Till vv ell fuel feed the African or Arabian Watch Budget dree ere kepi buminif n't around the camp lo keen (he wild 1-esete easy, a 9,000,000 2 It (API It le Pj then 't $19, hri Ii.m rn r. tnniiRf. arrrrn. 'They ray old Itobinsim la beconung Main Sli Main 117 terming, V.

M. rm-ea, M. rtioew, M. Aria, riioenlx, Arls. Vfxim 1'irr.

July Fuel I'orter InmlK-r Co, r. 1 Hrllcf Fuel A lvd Co Marsmpa Furl Jk teed ELPAS0ELECTRLCC0. a great eretor." snnounred that more lion is a wail rf f.rs all around His people." pcunda were produced, Tha subsequent aecreaaa la ascribed te tha rise lo dills' eclianre era Inst moneye pf lm porting eovntr'ea. In addition to etudylng tha rlew e-u tlvatloa ailuatlon re America, tha aH. aultttral departmanl Ineaatlgatar will aisa look lata tha ayrtara ef eelllng fava produeta and the supervlaloaj af toffla aaarlBC tapaa aarle-eltara.

i 'Wall, i ra enlf heard blm speak haa been saved by emnamlee In Preel. dent relies" till budeet. le tbe war enoa, but It waa certain: treat SALES DEPT. MARTIN BLOC. listen ta blm." department alone l.ea.

has been Addl-ege wholesale orden 10 Bweustlka Fuel Raton, W. TOTElPHONE A WANT AD, CLL MAIN 5050. innun uii e.irvww- "What did ha ear WaaA'U yaaj aavar ftaSDA eieaai.

El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)


Why is El Paso so famous? ›

El Paso is located at the western tip of Texas, where Texas, New Mexico and Old Mexico meet! We are the largest international metroplex in the world where cultures and traditions blend seamlessly; from the historic Old West to the colors of Mexico, from the heritage of Native Americans to the beauty of our desert sun!

Is El Paso in a different time zone than the rest of Texas? ›

El Paso is located 1,000 miles west of the 90th (Central Standard Time zone) meridian and 120 miles west of the 105th (Mountain Standard Time zone) meridian. It has been in the Mountain time zone throughout the history of standard time.

What percentage of El Paso is Hispanic? ›

81.6% of the people in El Paso, TX are hispanic (552k people).

Is El Paso the largest Spanish speaking city in Texas? ›

El Paso is also the second-largest majority-Hispanic city in the United States (after San Antonio), with 81% of its residents being Hispanic.

What famous person is from El Paso? ›

Debbie Reynolds

Debbie Reynolds was born Mary Frances Reynolds in El Paso, Texas, the second child of Maxine N. (Harmon) and Raymond Francis Reynolds, a carpenter for the Southern Pacific Railroad. Her film career began at MGM after she won a beauty contest at age 16 impersonating Betty Hutton.

What food is El Paso known for? ›

El Paso is known for its amazing Mexican food, so you'll find plenty of that, along with tons of other local gems! From burritos to steaks and everything in between, explore all the amazing food El Paso has to offer.

What is the only city in Texas on Mountain time? ›

Texas spans two time zones. Most of the state observes Central Time (CT), while three counties in the West Texas region follow Mountain Time (MT): El Paso, Hudspeth, and parts of Culberson County.

Is Texas the only state with 2 time zones? ›

Which US states have more than one time zone? 15 US states have more than one time zone. These are – Florida, Oregon, Kentucky, Arizona, Texas, Tennessee, North Dakota, Michigan, Alaska, South Dakota, Nevada, Kansas, Nebraska, Idaho, and Indiana.

What state has the most time zones? ›

Alaska • Time zones: Hawaii-Aleutian time and Alaska time • Alaska used to have four time zones. In 1983, however, the government consolidated the time zones to two: Hawaii-Aleutian time, which applies to the westernmost Aleutian Islands, and Alaska time for the rest of the state.

What is El Paso's nickname? ›

El Chuco. Not to be confused with Chico's, El Chuco is a nickname for El Paso. The term comes from the word “pachuco,” a Mexican Spanish Caló dialect of disputed origin, dating from the 1930s-1940s. Another variation may be Chuco Town.

What is the sister city of El Paso? ›

Joining Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and Hadera, Israel, Chihuahua City is El Paso's third sister city.

Is it expensive to live in El Paso Texas? ›

According to C2ER (the Council for Community and Economic Research), the cost of living in El Paso is estimated to be 88.1% of the national average making it one of the least expensive cities in the US.

Is El Paso Texas wealthy? ›

The report did some deep digging and identified the Best Places for Becoming a Millionaire, assessing various wealth factors through a weighted index, and surprisingly, El Paso, Texas, ranked last (#20) with residents standing less than a 0.002% chance of becoming millionaires.

How did El Paso get so big? ›

The arrival of the railroads in 1881 — This even was primarily responsible for El Paso becoming the metropolis it is today. If the railroads had bypassed El Paso, we would merely be a quaint border town. The railroads give us a transcontinental identity.

Why is it called El Paso? ›

The strategic site was recognized in 1598 by Juan de Oñate, colonizer of New Mexico, who called it El Paso del Norte (Spanish: “The Pass of the North”).

Why is El Paso different from the rest of Texas? ›

El Paso practically straddles the border between the United States of America and Mexico. We're the junction of 3 states - Texas, New Mexico and the Mexican state of Chihuahua. 4 El Paso is one of three major metroplexes, connected to one another.

What is great about El Paso? ›

El Paso is one of the most unique parts of the country, a perfect blend of the United States and Mexican cultures. Full of live entertainment and an awesome landscape. No wonder El Pasoans love their city so much.

Why do people leave El Paso? ›

Factors like not being able to get a job or not feeling comfortable in a community may push people out of it, she said. "El Paso has billed itself as a low-wage job place — call centers, service sectors, these are not high-tech jobs," she said. "We graduate a lot of engineers, a lot of people with high-tech degrees.

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.