Shonen dimension jump - Chapter 7 - Shadowstorm283 - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 7: The truth
*hey everyone I’m sorry for the small delay just been having a lot of mental problems but I hope you guys enjoy.*

Hey everyone, I’m sorry for the small delay, just been having a lot of mental problems, but I hope you guys enjoy.

System: “You have leveled up. Rewards are in inventory. You’re now level 11.” I add 1 into Mind and the rest in Endurance before I put my katana away. As I see Tanjiro look at the demon’s head with sadness, I look away from it.

Sabito: “Your sorcery is interesting. Are you sure you’re not a demon?” He looks at me before I sigh. “Yes, I’m sure, but anyways, I’m gonna have to explain all of this to Tanjiro because I’m pretty sure he saw you.” Me and Sabito walk to him as I equip my regular clothing.

Tanjiro: “Michael, I’ve been wanting to—Sabito, you’re here! But how? Aren’t you dead? Wait, are we both dead!?” I cackle as I start rolling on the ground before standing and clearing my throat. “No, we’re not dead sadly, but how do I put this in a way you’ll understand? Oh, I got it. I’m a mage, a powerful one, but I’m the only survivor in my village. I used my mage powers to bring Sabito back to life.” I make up a lie and I hear a bing.

System: “New skill created: Poker Face

Description: A passive skill that makes it easier for you to lie, only works on lower-level NPCs.”

Tanjiro: “So you’re a mage? Show me something that’s amazing! Can you teach me?” I look at him as I try to think of something.

System: “Adding Tanjiro to your party will allow him to see things only the player can see. He will not be able to interact with them unless the player says otherwise.” I add him to my party as I take out Sabito’s mask. “This is Sabito’s mask. There’s no way for me to have it because first off, it was crushed by the hand demon and there’s no way I’d be able to make it.”

System: “Poker Face is now level two.”

“But anyways, I think we should split. I have a bad habit of helping you and I don’t want to lessen your progress in getting stronger. Don’t worry, I won’t die.” I use Shock Assault as I travel away from him.

When I get far enough, I open my inventory as I equip the new eyes I got. “Damn these look cool. Wish they did something, but anyways, where’s that f*cking bitch that ran away?” I put on the Ghost of Tsushima mask as I blink before I’m in a dark void.

???: “Finally, I get to play.” A voice echoes in the void as I try to look for it. I see a figure as I run to it before grabbing its shoulder. I see me, but it’s made out of black goop, its eyes being red. “What the f—” A pain goes through my body as I get sent flying as I look at the shadow, it taking out a sword and dagger.

???: “I’m taking your body, don’t worry. It’s only for a bit, so how about you just let me kill some of our enemies!” It rushes at me. I block it, but the force makes me kneel down as it keeps on swinging, each hit getting harder to block.

???: “What’s the matter? Having trouble? Can’t handle the pressure!” He does one giant swing, but I parry it before trying to counterattack, but he smiles before using Shock Assault.

???: “You’re way too weak for me.” He stomps on my back as I cough the air out of my lungs. “Who are you?” I say as I get ready to use Ice Fan.

???: “How do I put it in a way you’ll understand? I’m the you that you tried getting rid of—all your anger, all your pain, all of what you hide with sarcasm and bullsh*tting. You can just call me Kage.” I use Ice Fan before using Shock Assault. “Shut the f*ck up!” I was about to slice him, but the moment I blink, I look in front of me, seeing the person that was attacked by the hand demon, cuts all over his body as I look at my sword stained in blood.

System: “New skill: Bloodlust and Dead Calm

Description: Bloodlust terrifies all enemies lower level than you. Doing this increases the likelihood of Kage taking control.

Description: Dead Calm eliminates all emotions, causing you to move more silently and not let emotions get in the way. Can increase the likelihood of Kage taking control.”

“I didn’t mean to…” I throw my mask on the ground as I look at my hands, trying to stop the shaking. Before I knew it, I fell asleep. As I keep on having nightmares about that body over and over again. I summon Toxica and Jindrax again as I see him get behind her.

Jindrax: “It is the Kage dude or is it the boss? Either way, don’t let him see me.” She grabs him and puts him in front of her.

Toxica: “You should be the one protecting me!” I cough into my hand to get their attention. “It’s me, not Kage, but what happened? It’s only been a few minutes.”

Jindrax and Toxica look at each other before looking back at me.

Jindrax: “Uhh boss, sorry to say, but it’s been 2 days. Kage would bring us and that pink-haired kid to hunt us like we were animals!” I look at him and I start bowing. “I’m so sorry!! Please accept my most humble apologies!” Yakuza reference?
I bow one more time before sending them back. “God, this is gonna be more of a pain than I thought. Let’s go to the shop because I’m no longer a broke bitch.” I open the shop menu as recommended items pop up before clicking it.

Skill: Yakuza Fighting Styles

Description: Allows the player to gain heat from Yakuza to use the different fighting styles. The player trains to do so, the player will start off with Rush.

90 gold.

“Aww, I really wanted to slam people’s heads on a cement wall. DAMN YOU KOS!” I buy it before stopping at something so powerful, so legendary that my balls drop as I become a man.

Black Spirit Ranger Morpher

Description: Allows the user to turn into the Black Spirit Ranger. If the player can master the Spirit, other morphs will be unlocked.

120 gold.

“DAMN YOU KOS, YOU KNOW I LOVE POWER RANGERS!” I buy it as I watch my gold go down the drain. “My money….” Tears go down my face as I start equipping the morpher. “At least it’s the Super Sentai morpher; the Power Ranger one was garbage.” I put the gloved arm-guards on before cracking my knuckles. “Boil! Power of the Beasts! Beast On!” A black and white ranger suit appears on me, a bat-shaped helmet appearing on my head. “Does this mean I have the Jungle Fan?” I put my hand in the air as a black metal fan appears in my hand. “I love this. Everything I said, Kos, you know I didn’t mean it. Anyways, let’s get this started.” I run as I start killing demons with my fan. “HERE COMES, THE POWER RANGERS JUNGLE FURY! WE’RE FAST AND STRONG AND UNSTOPPABLE.”

Meanwhile, in a black void

Kos: “Was someone calling my name? Must have been the darkness.” He says as he drinks tea.

I transform back as I see Wisteria.

System: “Final Selection complete.”

Reward: Key to Another World

Description: Allows the user to go to another world. The world they leave will be paused until the player returns.

“Well, at least I have another place to go, but for now, I’m gonna have to save it.” I throw it in my inventory as I stretch before heading up the stairs, my arm guards reflecting the light. When I get to the top, I only see 4 people. “Including myself, only five people survived.” I scan the area as I wrap my arm around Tanjiro. “Hey, told you I’d be fine.” I ruffle his hair while smiling before I look at his injury. “Sorry, shouldn’t be so rough, I forgot about that.”

Tanjiro: “It’s fine, it didn’t hurt, but it looks like the person that was getting hunted down by that hand demon didn’t make it. It’s my fault, I blacked out, and you couldn’t protect him.” I hit his head gently. “Don’t downplay yourself. The hand demon didn’t get him; he ran away after you got knocked out. It isn’t your fault.” When I’m done talking, Tanjiro looks at a boy with yellow hair as I look at the boy too.

???: “I’m gonna die, I survived for now, but soon enough, I’ll be dead.” I roll my eyes and look at Tanjiro. “Ignore him.”

Twins: “Welcome and congratulations. We’re pleased to see you safe.”

???: “So? I made it back alive. What do I do now? Where’s MY sword?”

White-Haired Twin: “Patience. We must first give you your uniforms. We’ll start by taking your measurements, and then your rank will be engraved into your hand.”

Black-Haired Twin: “For your reference, there are ten ranks, and you all start at the lowest.”

???: “And our swords?” I grit my teeth, his voice starting to piss me off.

White-Haired Twin: “In a moment, you will be given the chance to select the ore that will be used to forge your sword, but it will be 15 days before the weapon is completed. But first…” She claps her hands as crows fly and land on our shoulders. A crow with white feathers lands on me. “An albino crow? That’s cool.”

Twins: “The Kasugai crows are used to send messages to Demon Slayers.” Someone screams—it’s the boy who’s been yelling about getting a sword.

???: “Screw this! I don’t need this crap!” He lets out a growl as he swats the crow and tries to walk up to the twins, but I block him with my arm.

Michael: “What the hell is up with you? How about you f*cking wait like the rest of us? Or would you rather I break your arms so you can’t use a sword?” I activate Bloodlust as I stare at him, about to take out my dagger.

Black-Haired Twin: “Are you two done chatting?” She says, both of us looking at her before revealing 15 different blocks of ore. “Decide on which ore will be used to make your blade.”

My eyes scan the ores as I try to look at every little detail. “I don’t see anything… dang it.”

System: “Skill created: Analyze.

Description: Allows the player to see the quality of objects. The rarer the item, the harder it will be to use this skill. It can also be used on NPCs to show stats and more information about your bond.”

I use Analyze as I grab the one marked in blue.

System: “This is Grade Two Demon Slayer ore. Do you wish to confirm your decision?” I click confirm. I walk back and wait for Tanjiro.

While we’re walking back to Sakonji, I see him limping, so I put him on my back. “I’ve been wanting to show you this.” I crack my knuckles as my Ranger suit appears on me, and I start sprinting. When we get there, it’s night, and I gently stand him up as I start to detransform, catching my breath.

When I look, I see Tanjiro hugging Nezuko as I smile at them.

Tanjiro: “Why did you do that? Why did you have to sleep for so long?!” He doesn’t sound angry but pained, tears on his face as I notice Sakonji dropping the wood he was holding as he hugs both of them.

Sakonji: “Both of you have returned… both of you are alive.” I walk over and hug all of them.

A few minutes later, we go inside as Tanjiro and I sit in front of Sakonji.

Sakonji: “Both of you defeated that mutated demon?” Tanjiro and I nod.

Sakonji: “Then it’s over. I’m truly impressed that both of you came back. You two should know that there are multiple types of demons. The Blood Demon Art is a special sorcery some use to give them abilities. You may have to face some of them as well, and fighting against supernatural abilities will be more difficult than anything you’ve faced. Still, I have no doubt that both of you will be fine.” I pull my cloak up, hiding my morpher.

Tanjiro: “Nezuko is different from other demons. Do you think it’s because of this Blood Demon Art thingy?”

Sakonji: “No, that wouldn’t be an example of a Blood Demon Art.”

Tanjiro: “Oh, so like what Michael ha—”

I cover his mouth as I shake my head. “Ignore him. He’s spouting nonsense.”

System: “Poker Face activated.” Sakonji looks at us before continuing to speak.

Sakonji: “This is only a guess, but I believe she can recover her strength by sleeping instead of eating humans.” Tanjiro looks at her as he starts to fall asleep.

Sakonji: “Michael, follow me.” He takes me outside, and I follow him, getting nervous. “Sakonji, I’m not a demon, I promise you—” Before I can finish my sentence, I take out my fan and block his katana. “Listen to me, I’m a sorcerer, not a demon. If I were a demon, I wouldn’t be able to be in the sun!” I keep blocking his attacks, but he hits my fan out of my hand, and I block with my morpher, the vibrations making me hold my arms in pain.

Sakonji: “Why protect Tanjiro and his sister? You’re obviously hiding something. You may not be a demon, but you’re not telling the truth.”

I grab my phone as I stand up, answering. “Because I believe Tanjiro is going to be the only person who can defeat Muzan, and I’m gonna make sure he’s strong enough to do it.” I look into his eyes as I stand strong before Sakonji grabs my head.

Sakonji: “Then use your sorcery to guarantee that.” He walks back inside as I start jumping. “OW, OW, OW, MY ARMS, THEY’RE STILL SHAKING!”

Fifteen days pass as I wake and see Tanjiro at the door. When I stand up and walk up to him, I see a man with two katanas walking toward us.

???: “My name is Haganezuka. I forged your swords, and I’m here to deliver them.” Before Tanjiro can reply, he starts unwrapping the swords.

Haganezuka: “This is a Nichirin sword. I forged these myself. The material for these swords only comes from a mountain closest to the sun, made from scarlet iron sand and scarlet ore, the combination making metal that can absorb sunlight.” He suddenly looks at Tanjiro and me, revealing his mask, making me fall to the floor laughing.

Haganezuka: “One of you is a child of brightness, right? Boy with the red hair, that means your sword will turn red.” He pokes Tanjiro’s face as he gives him his sword.

We walk inside as I go to another room, waiting for them to be done. “Holy yapping, wish I didn’t watch the series now because now every time this happens, I’m bored.” I mess with my morpher. “Does Slugger Style work with a sword? I’ll find out eventually.” I punch the air as I use Rush Style before I trip, hearing yelling from the other room. Then I hear a crow cawing.



Health: 230/230

Stamina: 200/200

Mana: 150/150

strength: 15

Agility: 14

Technique: 12

Mind: 11

Endurance: 12

Swordship: 6

Dagger mastery: 3

Skills:Bugle, sprint, aerial recovery, ironwill, water breathing, Yazuka fighting style, bloodlust, dead calm.

Shonen dimension jump - Chapter 7 - Shadowstorm283 - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.