Turnaround Recovery Strategies (2024)

A set of measures that companies use to address a decline in performance

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Turnaround recovery strategies are a range of measures that companies employ to recover from a period of a performance decline. The range of measures is important since they mark an upturn phase of a company after a period of significant negativity.

Turnaround Recovery Strategies (1)

The concept of turnaround strategies is also applicable in a country or a region’s economy following a period of stagnation or recession.Similarly, the concept can be used to refer to a fundamental adjustment in an individual’s strategy during a financial crisis.


  • Turnaround recovery strategies are a set of measures that companies use to address a decline in performance.
  • Companies use turnaround recovery strategies to mark an upturn period after a significant period of negativity.
  • Some of the common turnaround recovery strategies used by companies include a change of leadership, focus on core business activities, and asset retrenchment.

Understanding Turnaround Recovery Strategies

Companies suffer a decline in their annual reported earnings from time to time. Several factors can cause a downturn in a business, including new competition entering the market, high costs, inadequate financial controls, unforeseen demand shift, poor management, and over-management.

Companies focus on different change processes to bring about an improvement in performance. The presence of warning signs of a financial downturn prompts executives to think of turnaround recovery strategies before the crisis escalates. Managers first adopt low-risk measures, and if the risk worsens, they become progressively more radical.

The period of decline and recovery in performance is called the turnaround and is measured based on net income. In each turnaround phase, companies identify management actions and decisions, as well as other factors that impact profit before devising appropriate actions. Various elements are involved in the strategies.

Types of Turnaround Recovery Strategies

1. Cost efficiency strategies

Most companies implement turnaround recovery strategies in the pursuit of cost efficiencies. Cost efficiencies entail a varied range of actions aimed at producing quick wins for a company. The measures may improve a company’s cash flow or stabilize its finances before coming up with more complex strategies.

Cost efficiency strategies are often implemented first in any recovery strategy. Companies prefer turnaround recovery strategies that achieve cost efficiencies because they are easy to implement, require little capital, and their effects are almost immediate. Cost-oriented turnaround strategies include reducing , stretching accounts payable, eliminating pay increases, reducing accounts receivable, cutting inventory, investment diversification, and reducing marketing activities.

The measures can be accompanied by reduced pressure from debt repayments through financial restructuring. However, such an action carries some risk. Companies that solely rely on cost-cutting as a turnaround recovery strategy risk face increased staff turnover because of the reduced employee morale. Cost efficiency strategies can also damage the resources necessary to maintain a company’s core focus.

2. Asset retrenchment strategies

Companies that face performance decline usually pursue asset retrenchment actions after a cost-efficiency drive. Under the strategy, companies evaluate underperforming areas to eliminate them or make them more efficient.

The usefulness of retrenching assets as a turnaround recovery strategy depends on a company’s ability to generate cash flow. For example, a company may dispose of its old assets to generate cash or invest in new ones.

3. Focus on a company’s core activities

Companies also resort to focus on their core activities as a turnaround recovery strategy. Under the increased focus, companies identify markets, customers, and products that can potentially generate high profits, and adopt the measures as the main focus of the firm activities.

For example, a company may re-focus on loyal or less price-sensitive customer segments or product lines best known to it. It may develop a clear competitive strategy through focus.

4. Change of leadership

Companies often replace incumbent CEOs as a turnaround recovery strategy. During turnaround situations, most companies appoint new chief executives from outside the company as a way of injecting a new way of thinking into the top management.

It is inspired by the idea that CEOs bear the responsibility for a company’s negative position, and their replacement serves as a signal of change. CEO replacement can always be accompanied by an overhaul of the top management team to avoid repetition. As a result, a new senior management team can enable a company to focus on new strategies to lead the turnaround.

Real-World Examples of Turnaround Recovery Strategies

The declining sales and profits of the iconic motorcycle manufacturer, Harley-Davidson, during the 2008 mortgage crisis were met with turnaround recovery strategies that aimed to attain cost-efficiency.

Harley-Davidson cut its production costs to protect its brand’s image by balancing supply and demand. The subsequent consolidation of production operations led to massive job losses. In the same vein, the motorcycle manufacturer transferred its distribution of parts and accessories to a third-party provider.

Also, the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007/2008 led to the collapse of some of the leading banks in the United States. The federal government later responded with a series of turnaround recovery strategies. It imposed a tightened lending environment for auto sales.

General Motors (GM) declared bankruptcy, leading to the delisting of its stock from the NYSE. However, the bailout and package funds helped the company restore its business activities.

Related Readings

CFI offers the certification program for those looking to take their careers to the next level. To keep learning and advancing your career, the following resources will be helpful:

  • Bailout Takeover
  • Corporate Reorganization Clause
  • Recapitalization
  • Type A Reorganization
Turnaround Recovery Strategies (2024)


Turnaround Recovery Strategies? ›

Companies use turnaround recovery strategies to mark an upturn period after a significant period of negativity. Some of the common turnaround recovery strategies used by companies include a change of leadership, focus on core business activities, and asset retrenchment.

What are the turnaround strategies? ›

The turnaround strategy is a set of strategies designed to rescue a failing business. This means that you have to increase sales, reduce expenses, and increase profits. In order to successfully implement a turnaround strategy, it is important to first understand what caused the downturn.

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5 steps in the turnaround management process
  • Define the issue. The first step involves defining the issue that may be hindering your workplace's growth. ...
  • Strategize. ...
  • Create an action plan. ...
  • Implement the new plan. ...
  • Review the plan.

What are the 7 proven business turnaround strategy steps? ›

In this article, we'll delve into the seven essential components of a robust business turnaround strategy that can reignite success.
  • Assessment and Diagnosis. ...
  • Stakeholder Engagement. ...
  • Strategic Repositioning. ...
  • Financial Restructuring. ...
  • Operational Excellence. ...
  • Leadership and Culture. ...
  • Monitoring and Adaptation.
Sep 19, 2023

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The turnaround is akin to a restructuring process where the entity converts the period of loss into one of profitability and success while stabilizing its future.

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Examples of turnaround strategies include restructuring debt, selling or divesting non-core assets and businesses, launching new products or services or entering new markets, implementing cost-cutting measures and operational improvements, reorganizing the management team and staff, revamping marketing and branding, ...

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The first stage of a turnaround process is analyzing the situation and defining the causes of business struggles. Next comes developing a plan that constitutes the strategies that address the identified problems. This can include developing new business core values, objectives, vision, and mission.

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Setting goals, developing strategies, outlining tasks, and creating a schedule are all important aspects of planning and form the basis of overall turnaround development. The first step in the process is to clearly define the turnaround's objectives. Only then will the scope of work begin to take shape.

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In a turnaround situation, cash is king. A company in the midst of a turnaround is generally burdened by tight liquidity and inadequate cash balances. Control of this precious but limited resource is essential for a successful turnaround. To do this, management must make this a front- end activity.

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What Are the Four Major Business Growth Strategies?
  • Increase Market Penetration. A market penetration strategy aims to increase the sales of your products or services within your current market. ...
  • Product Development and Diversification. ...
  • Strategic Partnerships and Acquisitions. ...
  • Market Development.

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Skipping these important steps can leave your organization without direction. Read ahead to learn more about the six vital elements of strategic planning: vision, mission, objectives, strategy, approach, and tactics.

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Turnaround Strategy refers to retrenchment when a company realizes that they have made a severe mistake. The strategy is called turnaround because it suggests one has come in the wrong direction, and it is time to make a U-turn, undoing the mistake and minimizing the impact and losses.

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This is usually a very specific set of chords that occur at the end of a section or song, and it helps literally to “turn you around” and go back to the beginning of the song or section. Since it's so common, we want to make sure we have a very good handle on it.

What are turnaround activities? ›

A turnaround is a periodical major maintenance event to return and/or enhance process units to their designed reliability, operability, and production capacity. This is done by performing predefined maintenance tasks, within the budget, schedule, without accidents, and at minimum risk.

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Apple. Probably the most well-known turnaround success story is the rise of tech company Apple. Apple went into a decade-long downward spiral after CEO Steve Jobs left the company in 1985 and lower-priced products from competitors, like Microsoft Windows, took over the personal computer market.

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Turnaround as a Strategy

It is an attempt to change the firm's strategy in the hopes of reversing its fortunes. In order to turn a firm around, managers will often change the direction of the firm. For example, a print newspaper might make the switch to online publication in order to adapt to the changing market.

What is the first stage of turnaround strategy? ›

Stage 1: Change the Leadership Team

It is important to select a CEO who can successfully lead the turnaround. This individual must have a proven track record and the ability to assemble a management team that can implement the change management strategies to turn the company around.

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Turnaround management is the process of transforming a declining organization into a profitable firm by reorganizing its leadership, processes, and finances. This process is markedly different from other management approaches that focus on boosting sales, cutting costs, or managing during a crisis.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.